Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tiger Endorses the APTA... Well Maybe He Should

Adding the name Tiger Woods to any article makes it an immediate front-page story. That’s why I’m glad the APTA took advantage of Tiger’s recent ACL surgery to promote the role of PTs in the rehab process following surgery, as well as, the more important role PTs can play in the prevention of injuries. This article does a great job of describing the basics of an ACL rehab program: control swelling, improve ROM, strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, and improve balance and proprioception. The clinic, where I am currently on rotation, used to have a golf clinic where a PT would analyze one’s golf swing, looking for mechanical imbalances that could lead to overuse injuries of the back, shoulder, elbow and knee. In my opinion, we should focus and market our ability to prevent injuries, not just treat them after they occur. Happy and safe golfing.

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